Den fre 9 juni 2023 kl 09:44 skrev <>:

> Ah, sorry, forgot to mention that: no, neither root nor user have any
> config file, this is directly after fresh install, so system defaults
> should have been used…

> >> I have three new installed machines, that show the same strange
> behaviour: tmux is only startable as root, if I want to start it with
> command "tmux" as normal user (which is in wheel group, btw), I get the
> error "no sessions", if I try to start it with command "tmux start-server",
> the error is "no server running on /tmp/tmux-1000/default".

This looks a lot like it is running "tmux attach" and not "tmux" when that
message appears. Are you sure you are not using some kind of shell alias
that makes it go "tmux a" instead?

May the most significant bit of your life be positive.

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