
I just wanted to take a moment to give you guys thanks big time!

I guess I have been spoiled for the last 2+ decades using OpenBSD and always find what I need in the man pages and rarely needed to search the web for additional info.

Even for a noob trying OpenBSD I realize how easy it is and how much the docs provide what's needed and even the FAQ are very useful and get get anyone form nothing to a full system quickly just by some right to the point reading!

Now how this come may be as a surprise, well in all fairness I have been trying on/off to test NixOS, sure I have to also come clean and say the last time I touch Linux was more then 20 years ago. So things changes and when I discover OpenBSD, I never looked back. I run my businesses with it and it always been loyal to me big time!

Where people say, well it not as fast then Linux, or what not, I say, I don't care I put more systems in place and it does the job. It's easier for me that way and it just work!

But now that I am really trying to give a fair shut to NixOS, not a bad system sure, but the DOCS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Try to find something gin the man page on the local system well good luck. Try to find how to configure things the way you want good luck.

Sure there is docs, don't get me wrong, but it is useful for the one that really don't need them!

May be it's just me and I will admit, I have VERY HIGH expectation from docs as that's what I am used too and I just realize that I have been spoiled big time and for this I really needed to say it and thanks needed to be given.

Many many thanks for the great work done not only on the system, but the docs as well!

Like the say is, you never know what you had until you loose it!

Docs in OpenBSD is incredibly well done.

And as it's been said in the project, if there is mistake in the docs, it's consider a bug, then if I apply that to NixOS, it is so full of bugs that it is sad...

Sure after I get use to it and play with it for a year may be I will fell comfortable again, but the point here is that, docs in OpenBSD doesn't need for you to invest years and spend weeks full time to get to a point that is good.

Sure I am not so young anymore so I guess I don't learn as fast as i used to, but man the system is so clean and docs are so good, that trying something new makes it painful!

Thank you guys!

You did such a wonderful work over the years, you may not realise how different and beautiful it is or may be you know it.

I just wanted to take the time to thank you all!

Specially Nick, as when I started he was the one in change of the FAQ on the site and he started a work that was second to none and made me fall in love with OpenBSD then.

Please just don't stop. way to many times there is winning on misc@, but know that many may be silent, but we do appreciate your work and gift to the community big time.

I always loved it and new it was great here, but never realize how much better it was until I had to actually try to do the same on other systems.

I have been spoiled to the point that at my age now trying something else makes me sick!

Thank you a million times!

Best regards,


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