Hello, I'm trying to setup my own mail server and while I can send email to any already tested and interesting for me domains. I always get "delayed" with misc@openbsd.org: Connection closed unexpectedly while trying openbsd lists. I telnet to 25 port and see that it has extremely slow speed like 1 character per second. I telnet from other "non-mail" vps and I see that for first seconds it is also slow, but later it become "instant".
Are there any "delay" filter for spammers? If yes then why it detects my non-mail vps as ok and still slows my "mail server" (with existing PTR)? If there are no delay... ugh, guess I'm out of luck with my ISP ? But then again why vps is ok? Thanks in advance for any suggestions! -- Nerfur Dragon -==(UDIC)==-