> That should have /usr/X11R6/lib as well.

This makes me want to mention that I installed xshare73 and xbase73 after the 
installer completed, using these commands:
  (curl -s -O https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.3/amd64/xshare73.tgz && cd 
/ && tar xzvphf /root/xshare73.tgz)
  (curl -s -O https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.3/amd64/xbase73.tgz && cd / 
&& tar xzvphf /root/xbase73.tgz)

> Check the code running ldconfig in /etc/rc, maybe you can figure out
> what's failed?

Brilliant.  After manually running the snippet, ld cache now contains 

Is there a better way to install xshare73 and xbase73?


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