Stuart Henderson <> wrote:

> There is a complication in Kaya's case because if my handle on the
> config is correct, there are likely to be nameservers learned from
> both DHCP (in one rdomain) and PPPOE (in another), but they won't
> work on the opposite connection.
> In this situation I would disable resolvd (and for the sake of an
> easy life, probably use some public resolver accessible from both
> ISPs).

Or, we can design a new language, write a 500 line yacc parser, and add
50K of binary to a daemon which is always running.... probably even a
SIGHUP handler to reload the configuration, right?  To allow the 1% of
users to specify a POLICY.

And maybe there will be a hole in all that complex code, but yolo!

Or, we can say no, this is supposed to be kept simple.

The 1% should not burden the 99%

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