
Rodrigo Readi wrote:
Can someone recommend a lightweight Browser that support javascript?
"Lightweight" is a hard term here.. .there are several options. But if 
you need heavy usage - gmail, youtube and similar, at the end you need a 
gecko, blink or webkit engine and so there things become equal.
Are you pressed by RAM or CPU?
E.g. in my experience Firefox was never "lighter" than seamonkey. Opera or Bing are at the end similar to Chrome in terms of resources. The difference are in "spy" amount. I like SeaMonkey but it is lagging behind in packages on most BSDs and/or it was removed. In my experience, Firefox is much easier on RAM than Chrome(ium) and good on more RAM pressed system. Limited Firefox is usable on a good 32bit system with 2GB of RAM, but OpenBSD no longer provides firefox there.
My distaste with Firefox is that it took a bad turn after FF52/FF60... 
making horrible design choices - rust included and mocking more and more 
Chrome interface.
In which I can use gmail?

Otter browser hangs and even make core dumping with gmail.
Also with chromium I get core dumping sometimes.
There is no port for elinks to test it.
You might try your luck with ArcticFox. Login works. Reading messages 
appears to, replying by detaching into a separate panel does not anymore.
ArcitcFox received a lot of care since I last tried it with gmail, but 
also gmail is a moving JS target... so you are always at Google's mercy.

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