tl;dr: I would like to suggest adding a line about the virtues of UUID to the 
Something along the lines of "Remember to set up the UUID in
your /etc/fstab afterwards." or something.
The thing is, I have a RAID-5 setup in my system. One which I was able to set 
up, thanks to this one:
The entry in my /etc/fstab is now
/dev/sd7p /home ffs rw,nodev,nosuid 1 2
Which. Is. Stupid. I know: Yesterday, I wanted to boot my System, but I forgot 
to unplug a
USB-Device, which got mapped to sd7. So then I was unable to mount the /home. 
If I WOULD HAVE BEEN smarter, I would have used a UUID in my fstab.
Anyways, it is my believe that adding a line to each section might help the 
next person as
stupid as me, hence my suggestion.

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