On 23.1.2023. 16:24, kasak wrote:
> 22.01.2023 14:49, David Gwynne пишет:
>> On Sat, Jan 21, 2023 at 03:41:56PM +0300, kasak wrote:
>>> Hello misc!
>>> I'm using bridge for integrating remote clients to my network with this
>>> simple config:
>>> $ cat /etc/hostname.bridge0
>>> add vether0
>>> add em1
>>> add tap1
>>> up
>>> I see in this commit that veb is supposed to replace bridge
>>> https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-cvs&m=161405102019493&w=2
>>> Does it make sense to move to veb for me, or not?
>>> There is approximately 150 clients on the "em1" side and 10 on "tap1"
>> unless you're using pf to filter on em1 and tap1, then moving from
>> bridge and vether to veb and vport is simple. veb can be a lot faster
>> than bridge, so maybe that's a reason to try moving?
>> dlg
> I've followed your advice and failed :(
> I moved hostname.bridge0 to hostname.veb0, moved hostname.vether0 to
> hostname.vport0
> and edit hostname.veb0 replacing add vether0 to add vport0
> after reboot i cannot reach veb0 network :( ping answer "the network is
> down"

Did you put "up" at the end of hostname.veb0 and maybe at the end of
hostname.vport0 ?

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