Theo Buehler <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 06:15:43PM +0100, Rachel Roch wrote:
> > According to the docs :
> > 
> > > A random value (within the legal range) may be obtained by using    the 
> > > ‘~’ character in a field.
> The random numbers are drawn once and then repeated regularly. This
> behavior has always bothered me but never enough to spend the time
> needed to fix it (it's not immediately obvious how to do it). A
> workaround is to use a 
>       sleep $((RANDOM \% 512)) && run_whatever
> construct. The number to the right of the modulo should be a power of 2
> to avoid modulo bias.

Any solution would need to be careful, so that a operation doesn't run
multiple times in an hour.  Each column should be '0 + random % range',
but multiple columns contain ~, it gets weird.

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