Hi Toni,
what version are you comming from... if you are priorto 6.4 or 6.5 (I
cant fully remember
One of the Biggest changes was  RFC 8212
where route filter policies went from allow all announcements  by
default to deny by default...
announce all and announce self were depreciated

Check out /etc/examples/bgpd.conf which has a nice examples of best
practice with the new syntax

you will see the new syntax and you will see how you can create groups
of prefixes (for instance yourown prefixes)  and another group for
transit customer prefixes etc..

then you just create filters to accept your prefixes to your upstream peers...

man bgpd.conf will show any other syntax that may be depreciated...  (
I have nevever set the softreconfig  I *think* it is now a default ...

I hope this helps,
Tom Smyth

On Mon, 19 Dec 2022 at 11:59, Toni Mueller <openbsd-m...@oeko.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to upgrade an OpenBSD based BGP router from an old version
> to 7.2. But on OpenBSD 7.2, the config file results in several errors,
> despite the man page not indicating any thing "obvious".
> Eg. I get syntax errors on
>   softreconfig in yes
>   softreconfig out yes
>   announce self
>   announce all
>   announce default-route
> I also get errors on
>   tcp md5sig password  somesecrethere
> if the secret contains special characters.
> I have tried to comment the softreconfig lines, but can't do away with
> the 'announce' statements.
> Is there some overview about what changed over the course of time, and
> possibly, some better error messages to help diagnose the errors?
> Thanks a lot,
> Toni

Kindest regards,
Tom Smyth.

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