--- On Sunday, November 13, 2022, 01:56:12 PM EST, Peter Fraser 
<p...@thinkage.ca> wrote:

> I replace it with a new CyberPower cp1500PPFCLCD.

You poor bastard. If this company has anything to do with the CyberPower PC 
that I bought a PC from a few years ago, you made a big mistake in buying from 

The motherboard on my PC started failing about 6 months after I bought it. The 
first video slot failed. Then later, the other video slot failed. In order to 
"honor their warranty", the company was going to make me go without my computer 
for 3 months. About a week (or maybe two) to ship it to California, a couple of 
months for them to repair it and test it, and another week (or maybe two) *at 
my expense* to ship it back to me.

I bought another motherboard and fixed it myself.

If you look at the comments online about this company, about half of them say 
this is the best company ever. The other half are horror stories like mine. I 
think the first half are all false and astro-turfed.

The best response is never to have anything to do with this company ever again, 
and spread the word about just how horrible they are.

Sorry to hear about your horrible experience.

PS Don't believe any positive reviews. Nobody goes out of their way to post a 
positive review when things are working. On the other hand, they will post a 
negative review when things don't go well. Those are the believable reviews.


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