On Wed 26/10/2022 08:55, kasak wrote:
> hello misc!
> Just want to share you some interesting samba behavior after update to 7.2
> Samba now creates a share named "nobody" when it should not!
> The config is very simple:
> [global]
>         map to guest = Bad User
>         server min protocol = NT1
> [homes]
>         comment = Home Directories
>         browseable = No
>         read only = No
> [share]
>         path = /mnt/HDD/share
>         read only = No
>         guest ok = Yes
>         guest only = Yes
> I suspect, that samba improperly bind "nobody" as a "homes" share for guest
> user.

Setting 'map to guest = Bad User' means that user logins with an
invalid password are rejected, unless the username does not exist, in
which case it is treated as a guest login and mapped into the guest
account. The latter is set to nobody [0].

> I've tried same conf on the fedora machine, with the same version of samba
> (4.16.5) and there is no "nobody" share on it.
> So I think this is OpenBSD specific.

If I understand smb.conf(5) correctly this is the intended behaviour,
which is not specific for OpenBSD. Googling your description seems to
confirm this. I can not comment on the behaviour of fedora.


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