Thank you all for great work! OpenBSD is the best as it was!
I have some advice for those who will updating this time.
During pkg_add -u there was some problems with samba.
It conflicts with ldb which is also installed. If you experience
conflict with this port, just delete ldb and install samba.
Also, I had some problems with php81.
it was crashing because not found. i dunno why, but
reinstalling all php packs solved the problem.
there is easy way to reinstall php on openbsd. just do
pkg_info -mz | grep -e "php" -e "pecl" > php.install
pkg_delete php
pkg_install -l php.install
also you can reinstall all pkg with
pkg_info -mz > all.install
pkg_delete -X
pkg_add -l all.install