On 2022-08-24, Shadrock Uhuru <niyal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi everyone
> after losing a considerable amount of data that i had accumulated over the 
> last year or so
> by trying to remove a directory called '~' that i had created by mistake
> in a sub directory of my home directory with rm -rf ~
> which of course started to eat through my home directory with a vengence,
> i managed to stop it before it went to far,
> i didn't have any recent backups,

As you probably now figured out, use quotes: '~'

"rm -rf -i $whatever" if you have any suspicion that the name might be

(-i must come *after* -f, so there's little point aliasing rm to rm -i).

> needless to say i've learning my lesson about having a good policy of regular 
> backups.
> what are the recommended partition to backup if
> 1 i want to do a fresh reinstall e.g. to move to a larger hard drive.
> 2 for a disaster recovery like what i experienced above.
> i will be using ville walveranta's autodump 1.5a script
> which does a full dump on sundays and incremental dumps during the week,

That's a far more complicated script tgan I woukd consider using for
backups. Do you understand what it does and how it works?

A backup done to the same machine is not really a backup.

> i already have /home /etc and /root set for backup,
> are there any other partitions i should bear in mind ?

/var, maybe exclude /var/cache. (maybe also /var/log, but it can be
useful to have).

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