Hello again all,

I have in my moments of spare time been taking shots at getting my USB mic
to work on OpenBSD. I haven't asked yet because I have been spending time
trying to understand audio better on OpenBSD. I think I know enough to ask.

I have 3 audio devices:

rsnd/0 - integrated audio card on my desktop motherboard
audio0 at azalia1

rsnd/1 - my USB DAC
uaudio0 at uhub1 port 1 configuration 1 interface 2 "FiiO DigiHug USB Audio" rev 1.10/0.01 addr 2
uaudio0: class v1, full-speed, sync, channels: 2 play, 2 rec, 3 ctls
audio1 at uaudio0

rsnd/2 - my USB microphone
uaudio1 at uhub1 port 4 configuration 1 interface 1 "AudioPro X5 Microphone AudioPro X5 Microphone" rev 1.10/0.01 addr 4
uaudio1: class v1, full-speed, sync, channels: 2 play, 1 rec, 6 ctls
audio2 at uaudio1

$ sndioctl -f rsnd/2

$ audioctl -f /dev/audio2 | grep record

I enabled the sysctl flag to do audio recording, read through the multimedia FAQ
as well as this to see what I could get:


I have tried to get recordings but don't appear to have any luck. I ran sndio and
gathered output:

$ sndiod -dd -f rsnd/2
snd0.default: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=8388608 dup
snd0.0: rec=0:1 play=0:1 vol=8388608 dup
default/server.device=0:1 at 1 -> opt_dev:default/0: added
app/aucat0.level=127 at 2 -> slot_level:aucat0: added
0/output0.level=234 at 3 -> hw:0/0: added
0/output1.level=234 at 4 -> hw:0/1: added
0/output0.mute=0 at 5 -> hw:0/32: added
0/output1.mute=0 at 6 -> hw:0/33: added
0/input0.level=255 at 7 -> hw:0/64: added
0/input1.level=255 at 8 -> hw:0/65: added
0/input0.mute=0 at 9 -> hw:0/96: added
0/input1.mute=0 at 10 -> hw:0/97: added
snd0: 48000Hz, s24le3, play 0:1, rec 0:0, 16 blocks of 480 frames
snd0: device started
aucat0: attached at -7680 + 0/480
aucat0: 48000Hz, s24le4lsb, rec 0:1, 20 blocks of 480 frames
aucat0: detached at 0 + 0/480
snd0: device stopped
snd0: software master level control enabled
0/output.level=127 at 3 -> dev_master:0: added
0/output.level=127 at 3 -> dev_master:0: removed
app/audacit0.level=127 at 3 -> slot_level:audacit0: added
0/output0.level=234 at 4 -> hw:0/0: added
0/output1.level=234 at 5 -> hw:0/1: added
0/output0.mute=0 at 6 -> hw:0/32: added
0/output1.mute=0 at 7 -> hw:0/33: added
0/input0.level=255 at 8 -> hw:0/64: added
0/input1.level=255 at 9 -> hw:0/65: added
0/input0.mute=0 at 10 -> hw:0/96: added
0/input1.mute=0 at 11 -> hw:0/97: added
snd0: 48000Hz, s24le3, play 0:1, rec 0:0, 16 blocks of 480 frames
snd0: software master level control enabled
0/output.level=127 at 4 -> dev_master:0: added
0/output.level=127 at 4 -> dev_master:0: removed
0/output0.level=234 at 4 -> hw:0/0: added
0/output1.level=234 at 5 -> hw:0/1: added
0/output0.mute=0 at 6 -> hw:0/32: added
0/output1.mute=0 at 7 -> hw:0/33: added
0/input0.level=255 at 8 -> hw:0/64: added
0/input1.level=255 at 9 -> hw:0/65: added
0/input0.mute=0 at 10 -> hw:0/96: added
0/input1.mute=0 at 11 -> hw:0/97: added
snd0: 48000Hz, s24le3, play 0:1, rec 0:0, 16 blocks of 480 frames
snd0: device started
audacit0: attached at -7056 + 0/441
audacit0: 44100Hz, s16le, rec 0:1, 20 blocks of 441 frames
audacit0: detached at 0 + 0/480
snd0: device stopped

mute=0 on the device.

So, I'm not sure if my device isn't supported, or if I am making
a mistake here. I feel like I'm missing something.


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