> On Aug 4, 2022, at 21:27, Ben Hancock <b...@benghancock.com> wrote:
> So, to wrap up: I do not recommend the Brother HLL2350DW for your
> OpenBSD printing needs. I may end up heeding the suggestions to
> simply buy a printer that speaks PostScript. Recommendations welcome.

HP used to make freakin’ tanks, and I had a LasterJet 4MV or 4M+for something 
close to 15 years.  Bought it rebuilt (AFTER they stopped manufacturing it). 
:-). I can’t speak to anything they produced after 2005, though.

I’ve been extremely happy with my Canon — but I don’t use it from OpenBSD 
(though someday I will get around to it).  They make engines that a lot of 
other companies use.

I used to subscribe to the idea that buying a used “enterprise” printer was 
ideal (hence the used HPs — I had two, they both were awesome), but I’ve been 
seduced by short click-to-clack times.

What I still believe: Get a printer that does one thing: Print.  No gizmofrobs 
or wingdings.  And get a laser printer.  Ink is a nightmare.


PS I used to work at a printer company (actually two).  I used to know a LOT 
about printers (particularly PostScript printers).  I don’t anymore (I’ve been 
out of that space for . . . wow.  18 years now. . .).  It wasn’t HP.

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