On August 4, 2022 5:42:13 PM GMT+02:00, Brian Durant 
<cont...@anarchosaxophonist.org> wrote:
>On Thu, 4 Aug 2022, Lucas wrote:
>> Brian Durant <cont...@anarchosaxophonist.org> wrote:
>> > I have installed OpenBSD 7.1 i386 on my Lenovo T60 and am experiencing a 
>> > couple of issues. The first is related to the following addition that I 
>> > made to my .Xdefaults file, which works with OpenBSD 7.1 amd64 installs, 
>> > but not with the OpenBSD 7.1 i386 install on my Lenovo T60:
>> > XTerm*VT100.Translations: #override\
>> >      Ctrl Shift <Key> C: copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
>> >      Ctrl Shift <Key> V: insert-selection(CLIPBOARD)
>> > Any ideas how to get copy and paste working in Xterm with an i386 install?
>> I don't know if it's relevant, but my Xdefaults looks like this
>> XTerm.VT100.translations:               #override \n\
>>     Ctrl Alt <Key>C:    copy-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
>>     Ctrl Alt <Key>V:    insert-selection(CLIPBOARD) \n\
>>     [...other stuff...]
>> In particular, do note the "\n" after #override, which isn't present in
>> your snippet. This works fine for me.
>> Also, vi(1) is showing \xc2\xa0 before your lines, which I don't know
>> if it's product of your MUA or if it's actually part of the file (it's
>> a non-breaking space, aka &nbsp; in XML/HTML), do double-check the
>> whitespaces in there.
>> -Lucas
>Thanks for the reply. Trying a different MUA. Not sure where the extra 
>characters that you mention crept in, however they weren't in the 
>.Xdefaults file as far as I could see. I added the extra "\n\" in the last 
>line as suggested, but weirdly this had no effect. Still no copy-paste in 

It wasn't the last line that potentially lacked "\n\", it was the first one, 

I suspect paste actually might already work. Did you try copying from, say, 
Firefox, and then paste into an xterm?

I strongly believe this has nothing to do with the platform.


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