On July 28, 2022 5:09:54 AM GMT+02:00, Alexis <flexibe...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Alexander Hall <alexan...@beard.se> writes:
>> Better yet, the wrapper could be allowed with no argument restrictions
>> and just do
>>   wsconsctl "display.brightness=$1"
>> or even (maybe; untested)
>>   wsconsctl "display.brightness${1%%[!+-]*}=${1#[+-]}"
>> for moar fanziness.
>There's a good chance i'm misunderstanding, but doesn't this run into the same 
>issue? Namely, that (as far as i'm aware) it's not possible to specify that a 
>doas-permitted command be allowed to run with arbitrary arguments (or range of 
>arguments), rather than only the arguments specified in doas.conf?

Just leaving out the "args ..." from the config should accomplish that.



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