You are probably right. I'm still learning what's what with this. I have never
dabbled with this sort of stuff before. It appears I may have been warm
because I see I had looked at this once before. So then, if my scroll wheel
and the forward/back buttons are 4 and 5, would that mean that those are
perhaps the logical mappings? I'll have to see how I can find the physical

Thank you

On 7/23/22 20:22, Stuart Longland wrote:
On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 18:12:49 -0700
Courtney <> wrote:

I have learned that the forward/back buttons (4,5) are the same
as scroll in OpenBSD.
I thought 4 and 5 _was_ the scroll wheel… years ago I had a mouse that
featured 5 discrete buttons and scroll wheel, wheel was 4 and 5, the
extra buttons on the side were mapped as 6 and 7. might provide some clues too,
assuming this is in X.

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