I am testing autoinstall for a VPS hosted in a datacenter. By using an
OpenBSD native VM on my desktop
I got all my issues with 'install.conf'  and 'install.site' solved.
To provide some access control I created an '.htaccess' file for my
local httpd server at and
for my external  webserver xyz.nl

The retrieval of 'install.conf' as well as the autopartitioning
template are successful:

    Response file location? []
    Fetching https://wodan:=ilovefreya=@xyz.nl/install.conf
    Performing non-interactive install...
    Terminal type? [vt220] vt220

    URL to autopartitioning template for disklabel? [none]
    Fetching https://wodan:=ilovefreya=@xyz.nl/7.1/amd64/df-us-40gb.txt

So far so good....

However the installing of the sets fails with a 'not a valid hostname'

    Location of sets? (disk http nfs or 'done') [http] http
    HTTP proxy URL? (e.g. 'http://proxy:8080', or 'none') [none] none
    HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') []
    'wodan:=ilovefreya=@' is not a valid hostname.

The same error occurs when I want to install the custom site* sets
from my non-local xyz.nl server

    HTTP Server? (hostname, list#, 'done' or '?') []
    'wodan:=ilovefreya=@xyz.nl' is not a valid hostname.

So using an username and password for .htaccess control is accepted by
bsd.rd for the 'install.conf' and
autopartioning template, while it errors out when dealing with the install sets.

The password '=ilovefreya=' has a leading and trailing '='. Tomorrow I
will eliminate those '='s and see whether that helps.

Adriaan van Roosmalen

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