On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 03:27:53PM +0200, Nicolas wrote: > Hello Stuart, > > I haven't seen your messages immediately, it was incorrectly filtered by my > email client. > > Here are the results of the commands. I hope my email client won't render it > useless ! > > For the moment, I try to cool the AC adapter and plan to plug in a monitor > if another freeze occurs. > > Thank you, Stuart ! > > Nicolas, Paris.
In the past, I managed to "freeze" my laptop by exhausting RAM and starting to swap. Actually, it wasn't really frozen, just very very VERY slow in responding, to the point that it was equivalent to a freeze (e.g. even the Wi-Fi firmware would start freaking out with timeouts). The only option was to hard reset the machine. You have a single core machine with 2Gb RAM, and the data you sent seems to indicate that there is no free RAM left. Would a similar scenario be plausible (i.e., RAM usage keeps adding up, until a tipping point)? Cheers Zé --