Hello! Sorry for confusing. I noticed that for the first time on Ubuntu where I use cwm as well. I will check if it is different on OpenBSD.
On Вс 17 июл 2022 11:48:20, Marcus MERIGHI wrote: > Hello! > > a23s4a2...@yandex.ru (Maksim Rodin), 2022.07.16 (Sat) 11:58 (CEST): > > When I have two windows on the screen (OpenBSD cwm) and > > move the active one using one of the build in cwm commands (window-snap-...) > > the window being moved looses focus when a mouse pointer is not above > > that window anymore and another window behind the first becomes active > > instead. > > Thank you for pointing me at the window-snap-* functions, never used > them before and they are handy! > > BUT I do not see what you see... when I, for instance, use > window-snap-up-right, then the mouse pointer gets moved, too. And, with > the mouse pointer, the focus as well. > > Am I doing something different than you? > > Marcus > > P.S.: I'm on -current as of the day before yesterday. > > > I suppose there is no way to make the active window being moved remain > > active > > because focus follows mouse but may be there is a way to make the > > mouse pointer follow the window being moved? > > > > -- > > Maksim Rodin > > -- С уважением, Родин Максим