On 2022-05-19, Jordan Geoghegan <jor...@geoghegan.ca> wrote:
> I've run pfsync + CARP for a number of years now. One interesting 
> "gotcha" I discovered when building an IPv6-only test network was that 
> pfsync does not work in an IPv6-only environment. I tried both unicast 
> and multicast configurations to no avail. When pfsync has a parent 
> interface that only has an IPv6 address assigned (ie no IPv4 at all), no 
> pfsync traffic transits the interface. Just thought I'd share this 
> little tidbit since you were looking for edge cases and gotchas and 
> since IPv6 support (or lack thereof) is not mentioned in the manpage.

That sounds like a bug not an "edge case". To my knowledge nobody ever
reported that, consider writing it up for bugs@.

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