On 2022-05-09, Atanas Vladimirov <vl...@bsdbg.net> wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I'm running -current.
> Recently I noticed (not sure when it changed) that my CPU is not 
> throttling anymore. The `hw.perfpolicy` is set to auto and `hw.setperf` 
> is always at 100%. I red that there was a change in 7.1:
> - Changed the power management sysctl(8) hw.perfpolicy to "auto" at 
> startup, defaulting to 100% performance with AC power connected and 
> using the auto algorithm when on battery.
> So, my question is how I can change that behavior so the throttling is 
> working again?

Currently, you can either set it manually to low speed (hw.perfpolicy=manual,
hw.setperf=0), modify the kernel (e.g. with the diff below), or use obsdfreqd 
packages. The latter is only in -current packages not 7.1, but it could be built
from ports.

Index: sched_bsd.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/sys/kern/sched_bsd.c,v
retrieving revision 1.70
diff -u -p -r1.70 sched_bsd.c
--- sched_bsd.c 30 Oct 2021 23:24:48 -0000      1.70
+++ sched_bsd.c 9 May 2022 17:13:10 -0000
@@ -525,7 +525,6 @@ int perfpolicy = PERFPOL_AUTO;
 void setperf_auto(void *);
 struct timeout setperf_to = TIMEOUT_INITIALIZER(setperf_auto, NULL);
-extern int hw_power;
 setperf_auto(void *v)
@@ -544,11 +543,6 @@ setperf_auto(void *v)
        if (cpu_setperf == NULL)
-       if (hw_power) {
-               speedup = 1;
-               goto faster;
-       }
        if (!idleticks)
                if (!(idleticks = mallocarray(ncpusfound, sizeof(*idleticks),
                    M_DEVBUF, M_NOWAIT | M_ZERO)))
@@ -583,7 +577,6 @@ setperf_auto(void *v)
                downbeats = 5;
        if (speedup && perflevel != 100) {
                perflevel = 100;
        } else if (!speedup && perflevel != 0 && --downbeats <= 0) {

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