On 5/7/22 5:40 PM, Mike Larkin wrote:
On Fri, May 06, 2022 at 11:39:51PM -0400, Nick Holland wrote:
For giggles, I did a "gop" and a "video" at the boot> prompt, and both came
back with no response, just another boot> prompt.

just 'gop' amd 'video'?  These should be "machine gop" and "machine video".

huh. yep.  Just like it says in "man boot", which I did look at, but read
it wrong.  Slightly complicated that "gop" and "video" at the boot> prompt
alone produce no error message and no output.

"machine video" and "machine gop" listed a bunch of valid configs.
Putting "machine gop 1" or "machine video 1" in /etc/boot.conf changed
nothing, still getting a reboot when trying to boot bsd.rd with no
monitor attached, and a successful boot when the monitor is plugged in.


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