Dear readers,

After modifying the hostname as device.project with
`hostname device.project` and in  /etc/myname
and starting a syslogd debug instance with -h , i see the hostname
logged is only 'device' not 'device.project'

This could be a feature, as a hostname is not a FQDN
but it looks inconsistent with hostname displaying
device.project and the log using only the first part.

Would a diff to syslogd; logging the name found in the configuration
or (kern.hostname) instead of a modified one be a bug breaking
some auto configuration with DHCP or a feature ?

Moreover just like -h send the hostname , in a SSL setup it would be
useful to log the CN of the client certificat , with -i maybe,
since it is a strong ID sorting logs with that feels more reliable than ip,
or modified hostnames.

I may miss some important legacy behavior but a `-i` option that logs the
CN after the hostname in a similar manner looks non breaking and useful.

Thanks for reading, I Look forward to having opinions on that.

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