Hello Stuart,
Thanks for your reply, here is more data
On 2022-04-21 21:43:08, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> if you boot the upgrade kernel and drop to a shell, what do you
> get from this?
> cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV sd0
> mount -t ffs -r /dev/sd0a /mnt
> ls /mnt
Sadly, nothing that would raise any flags or ideas in my brain,
everything seems to work fine

upgrade# cd /dev; sh MAKEDEV sd0
upgrade# mount -t ffs -r /dev/sd0a /mnt
upgrade# ls /mnt
.cshrc              bsd                 dev                 sbin
.profile            bsd.booted          etc                 sys
altroot             bsd.rd              home                tmp
auto_upgrade.conf   bsd.sp              mailwrapper.core    usr
bin                 bsd.upgrade         root                var
upgrade# df -h
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/rd0a      3.5M    3.0M    451K    87%    /
/dev/sd0a      3.9G    677M    3.0G    18%    /mnt

> it's worth seeing what "sysctl hw.disknames" says too
upgrade# sysctl hw.disknames

> (similar to what's used for the "is_rootdisk()" check in
> src/distrib/miniroot/install.sub)
Is there a way to run upgrade script with "set -x" globally?
I tried to run /bin/ksh -x /upgrade.sh, but it seems -x is
discarded in functions and I can only see debug up untile
+do_ugrade function call.

Maybe replacing all "() {" with "() {\nset -x" will do the trick?

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