On 2022-04-18, James Mintram <m...@jamesrm.com> wrote:
> Hi. I am new to OpenBSD, so these questions come from my first 
> experience with the system.
> I selected the auto layout option when partitioning my 256GB drive. I have 
> then found issues while doing the following:
> 1) Cloning src from the github mirror and checking it out, completely fills 
> the /usr/src parition.
> 2) Building some ports fail because /usr/local/pobj is not on an wxallowed fs.
> My questions are:
> 1) Should the default /usr/src partition be bigger on large disks?

/usr/src is sized for just a checkout rather than a full repository mirror
with history.

This is normal for cvs (and if you do have a full repo mirror with cvs,
that would be in a different place than /usr/src).

If you're using the git conversion you could do a shallow checkout, or
use a larger fs, or place it elsewhere.

On a typical system I don't think it's helpful to have this much larger
(though it is now starting to get a little tight for a checkout so maybe it
could go up a few hundred MB). /usr/src isn't needed on a typical machine
and raising the size will impact on sizes of other partitions, which
might make it more likely people run into harder problems later..

> 2) Should there be a /usr/local/pobj partition created with correct mount 
> options? (I appreciate building ports is an "advanced" thing to do - but it 
> feels weird having to mess with partition layout after a fresh install just 
> to 
> build them)

Ports doesn't use /usr/local/pobj by default (you can set it via WRKOBJDIR
in mk.conf, but /usr/local isn't a great place for a filesystem with rapid
changes during a port build). Also, /usr/local/pobj *is* normally wxallowed.

If you are using ports I would strongly recommend a separate filesystem
for /usr/ports, either with default ports-related directories (i.e. don't
change dirs in mk.conf) and set that wxallowed, or with a separate WRKOBJDIR
on a wxallowed filesystem.

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