Very valuable insights. That’s a great idea. 

The rysnc script was ksh/bash or cron? Ideally I’d like to use Python to tackle 
something like this but I’m not against learning shell. 

> On Apr 4, 2022, at 2:02 PM, Nick Holland <> wrote:
> On 4/4/22 11:32 AM, Eric Thomas wrote:
>> I want to have a high degree of confidence in my system's state
>> (packages that have been added, configs that have changed, permissions
>> changed, etc). I've read about "read only filesystems" and the
>> pro's/con's [here](
>> Aside from that, is there a way to...
>> 1. ...hash the file system in some way and monitor for changes? OR
>> 2. ...somehow review changes that have taken place (a log somewhere)?
>> The goal is to concretely know whether the state of the system has
>> changed, then point to what EXACTLY has changed.
>> Anyone doing something similar?
>> Thank you
> Something I came up with which worked out really well at my employer was
> a backup system that used rsync and the --link-dest option to make a useful
> rotated disk-based backup of current systems.  When they said, "We want some
> kind of file integrity monitoring system", I puzzled over all kinds of ways
> to look for altered files...but it suddenly hit me -- I HAD a list of all the
> altered files -- the output of the rsync --link-dest backup run!
> Took that output, ran it through a "grep -vf exclusionlist", where
> "exclusionlist" was a list of files (in regex form) I EXPECTED change on...and
> I had a daily output of all unexpected changed files.  I called it the
> "File Alteration Reporting Tool", but my coworkers thought another name would
> be more appropriate for some reason. :D
> It was really quite interesting.  Never found a real security breach (yay),
> but learned a LOT of new things about the software running on our systems,
> and to the point -- we found a few things that prompted us to go kicking trees
> to find out what someone had done that we weren't aware of.  I call that 
> success.
> Yes, I'm working on re-doing it (i.e., clean slate so my (former)employer has
> no gripes (and no internal information disclosure), but if you are adept at
> scripting, it wasn't too difficult.
> Nick.

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