
Today I take a little breath to try to get some help about a little problem I have since weeks. I lost data due to misunderstanding of formatting rdsc1 softraid partition on openbsd.

I tell you my little story in  the attached document, because I lost data and would really like to recover it..

could you help me please?

I thank you vm

best regards


sorry if it's a bit confusing...

Just as follows, the copy/paste of the previously attached pdf :

Hi everybody, good day everyone, ladies and gentlemen..
I’m looking for a way to retrieve back my data vanished accidentally ..
I tell you more :
a/ I had windows and linux mint 18 (gpt/efi)
b/ I add openbsd to these double systems. Now three. Grub2 manages it.
C/ after a problem regarding suspend str and poweroff, for openbsd (whom keeps always the computer in poweron back after a second), Im told that it’s required to update my bios. I see that an
update is available, I totally forgotten.
D/ I update bios/efi via windows
e/ il restart, bios update, then panics about keys and secure boot (in efi), I right away go back to the
bios, to disable secure boot.
F/ computer starts then only on openbsd. Grub2 is totally vanished. No way to go back under
windows nor mint.
G/ I decide to launch a liveusb of refind (or refi) whom is able to launch back efi grub. Windows
still vanished.
H/ so I start ubuntu/mint, system crashes, seems broken. A little bit -definitely huge- angry, regarding what happens, since hours, I start then a crusade to all partition with e2fsck. Anyway, that
tool knows how to do not act on non ext partition. That what I believed..
i/ at restart, openbsd doesnt starts anymore (imagine my peace of mind..) : I guess fsck ate a bit few seconds the openbsd area space on bootup files where stored. So it crashes immediately, not loading
J/ In a fury, I take a mint 18 liveusb and download lmde5, that I install after backed up my /home.
K/ lmde starts well, I can add windows. Openbsd is still missing.
L/ I just think I just have to reinstall openbsd. I do it, with the wise attention to do not affect mounting point to the raid/home slice, then I can easily get back my data. A bit like not
formatting /home under linux. I install openbsd.
M/ like a newb after installation I start openbsd and mount back my softraid partition. It asks for my password, recognize it. Slice looks empty. Df shows only few kb files. Data is gone. No backup.
Two points :
*looks like it’s not possible to reinsall openbsd without formatting everything. A bit sad, where it’s not said, and I carefuly took attention to not format the softraid slice. But it did anyway.
*how a softraid slice could be formatted and my password recognized ?
*I tried with testdisk, then photorec, impossible to get a hand of my data. I didnt used openbsd since, to hope recover my data. I did not wrote on it since, to avoid writing/erasing on it.

If somebody where able to help me to recover my data..

maybe with offset of vnconfig ? But I dont know how to use those tools..

thank you for reading and your help !

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