On 2022-03-16, Marc Espie <es...@nerim.net> wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 15, 2022 at 11:32:19PM +0100, i...@tutanota.com wrote:
>> Since Go has support for pledge and unveil, I was thinking about
>> "imitating" the setup for httpd.
>> I basically need to run a Go webserver with access to MariaDB,
>> but would like to chroot the Go webserver.
>> I was thinking that since Go by default doesn't run a webserver on
>>  port 80 or 443, I would just spawn as www user on some higher
>>  port and then use PF to redirect.
> The age old practice of dropping privileges just works.
> I assume go has bindings for setuid() and friends.

Go software doesn't usually like to do this because of some issue
with doing so on Linux that I don't _think_ apply to OpenBSD.
And they have the "allow binding to low ports as a non-root uid"
setcap thingy so nobody fixes it. (That would have been much more
acceptable if it was a "bind to _a specific_ low port"...)

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