
I am using OpenBSD current amd64, recent snapshots. I have a second
AMD architecture where I experience the following from time to time (I
don't know yet how to trigger this): the sound of whatever i play
(mostly web youtube) is heard both in headphones and computer internal
speaker. I can fix this by rebooting or by unplug/plug again the
headphone. This can happen right after start of the computer, or just
later or. As i said , i cannot reproduce this on demand.

My question is: do I have access to some userspace tools to
investigate what is going on? If so, what would that be?
I am not familiar with the soundcard internals, but I know one can
redirect sound output from that old application before sndioctl, so I
guess something strange is happening inside hardware and sound is
directed in two simultaneous outputs. Maybe the hardware senses the
headphones somehow are unplugged.

Thank you.

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