On 2/22/22 3:02 PM, Svyatoslav Mishyn wrote:

just wondering why are some programs using 12-hour/24-hour clock format
by default?

For instance, 12-hour clock format:
Should it be fixed?

24-hour clock format:

Well...  keep in mind, if this were "fixed", it would break a lot of
existing scripts.  I see a lot of pain here.

HOWEVER, if OpenBSD is out in left field here, compared to say, Solaris 9,
other BSDs ... maybe it should be fixed (you will note a suspicious absence
in my list.  I really don't care what an OS that sorts AaBbCc rather than
ABCabc does, that ain't unix).

As for the "why"...
There is a certain logic to the current list.  "w" and "uptime" are often
run by humans and having a more "human friendly" display isn't bad since a
lot of peole don't do 24 hour clocks well.  The others are often run as
part of scripts.  As someone who does a lot of scripting, inconsistency
between apps is not a problem for me.  Changing the output format is a
really big problem.


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