Today I received a D-Link DWL-G122 . Unfortunately it is not a v. B1 -
it is C1.

If the box (i386) is booted on a 3.9beta #617 with the device plugged
in it gets a dmesg line that says:
Ralink 802.11 bg WLAN Class 0/0, rev 2.00/0/01 addr 2, uhub 1 port 2
not configured

I expected the last two words in that message - man page told me that
B1 was it for a G122.

The usbdevs command with -dv says a bit more:
 port 2 addr 2: full speed, power 300 mA, config 1, 802.11 bg
WLAN(0x3c03), Ralink (0x07d1), rev 0.01

So I knew it wasn't supported before I plugged it in and those messages
verified it.

Do I:
a - throw it to some windows user because it will never be supported
b- hang on to it. Something is happening and might one day make it
c- give it to a developer (I'm in Australia, not sure how sending a
thing like that to other countries is accepted by various authorities
there. Local devs are really easy to deliver to.)

In the beginning was The Word
and The Word was Content-type: text/plain
The Word of Rod.

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