Uhhmm …. But this is not the case .... I have only referenced the <brutefroce> 
table once. Complete rules:

table <bruteforce> persist counters

# Specific options for exposed services
exposed_tcp = "(max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 15/5, overload <bruteforce> 
flush global)"
exposed_udp = "(max-src-conn 30, max-src-conn-rate 10/1, overload <bruteforce> 
flush global)"

# Default policy rules

# Block brute force access
block quick log from <bruteforce> label "Block access from bruteforce hosts"

# Policy for inbound connections to egress interface

# Group of rules for exposed public services
anchor inet from !<internal_networks> to (carp1) tag inet-to-enc {
        pass in log (all, to pflog1) proto udp to port $pub_port keep state 
$exposed_udp rdr-to $encgw01 port $pub_port

> On 12 Jan 2022, at 18:50, Marin BERNARD <li...@olivarim.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your anchor is probably defined twice, once in the main ruleset, and
> once more in the context of the 'pub-network/_2' anchor.
> In such case a warning is shown to let you know that this is not
> recommended practice.
> From pfctl(8) man page (http://man.openbsd.org/pfctl#a):
>> When a rule referring to a table is loaded in an anchor, the rule
>> will use the private table if one is defined, and then fall back to
>> the table defined in the main ruleset, if there is one. This is
>> similar to C rules for variable scope. It is possible to create
>> distinct tables with the same name in the global ruleset and in an
>> anchor, but this is often bad design and a warning will be issued in
>> that case.
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> Le mercredi 12 janvier 2022 à 11:58, Carlos Lopez <clo...@outlook.com> a 
> écrit :
>> Hi all,
>> I have a strange issue when I use a pf table inside an anchor. Error 
>> returned is:
>> pfctl: warning: table <bruteforce> already defined in anchor "pub-network/_2”
>> Table <bruteforce> is defined in global pf.conf file. In pf.conf I have 
>> defined some anchors by interface, like this:
>> Group of rules for public network
>> =================================
>> anchor "pub-network" on egress
>> load anchor pub-network from "/etc/fwrules/publan.conf”
>> Inside public.conf I have the rule that returns this warning:
>> exposed_tcp = "(max-src-conn 10, max-src-conn-rate 15/5, overload 
>> <bruteforce> flush global)”
>> anchor inet from !<internal_networks> to (carp1) tag inet-to-enc {
>>    pass in log (all, to pflog1) proto tcp to port $my_port keep state 
>> $exposed_tcp rdr-to $encgw01 port $my_port
>> }
>> How can I fix it? Or maybe am I doing some mistake?
> <publickey - li...@olivarim.com - 0xFD5D9CF2.asc>

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