Chris Narkiewicz [] wrote:
> Hi,
> Does anybody run OpenBSD on Starlabs Lite Mk IV laptop?
> I'm considering buing it as an everyday carry, but could not
> find any stories in a blogosphere.
> Starlabs staff told me that they tested it with
> FreeBSD and found that I2C does not work. I'm also worried
> about WiFi.

It shouldn't be hard for them to do a spin with OpenBSD 7.0
or OpenBSD-current and send you a dmesg. That would help.

The AX201 is supported under OpenBSD in 802.11n mode.
802.11ac/ax requires some further improvements in the net80211
stack, but I suspect we aren't far off.

This laptop looks basically supported already. There are
possibly issues in the suspend/resume department, or custom
buttons for whatever purpose, they might need some support


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