On Tue, Nov 30, 2021 at 11:11:03PM -0700, Theo de Raadt wrote: > I am dissapointed to see "long answers" to "short spurious claims". > > Nick, your long mail didn't help anything. > > Chris, your report sucks. Use sendbug and file a bug report with no > details missing. Not one user has reported a drive missing on a ahci > controller before you, and suddenly you say (paraphasing) "oh i hear this > is very common!"). The intentionally vague way you approach this looks like > you want to make us look bad. >
My apologies. The company does not allow cdrom images except from Windows. I used the floppy image. It turns out that the floppy img does not support this type of drive. After asking the company to mount the cdrom image from their side, no problems. FWIW, if I did not see this information, sorry. If this is worth the effort, it would be helpful to have this noted. I mentioned my Samsung drive because my really quick search on the mailing list only mentioned problems for this brand of drive having interface problems. It was not a detailed search. Happy to now have amd64 -current. -- Thank all of you for the help, Chris Bennett