Dnia 17 listopada 2021 16:39:07 CET, Radek <r...@int.pl> napisał/a:
>On Wed, 17 Nov 2021 11:22:42 +0100
>Denis Fondras <open...@ledeuns.net> wrote:
>> Le Wed, Nov 17, 2021 at 05:03:42AM +0100, Radek a écrit :
>> > 
>> > How can I restore the vendor's MAC address?
>> > It is 6.8/amd64.
>> > 
>> Check dmesg, it will give you the original MAC address, then ifconfig 
>> lladdr...
>Hello Denis,
>dmesg shows my new_MAC.
>I know the value of my original MAC address but I used to think that removing 
>lladdr value from /etc/hostname.if and then reboot restores the original MAC. 
>I doesn't.
>Is there any way to "force" OS to restore original MAC address by reading it 
>from hardware/NIC instead of ifconfig lladdr ...?

I have no idea how the lladdr option is handled by driver, but it looks like 
your network card decided to write new_MAC to it's EEPROM chip (where it's 
usually stored).

Out of curiosity, does linux or any other OS show new_MAC or vendor's MAC?
Łukasz Moskała

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