On Thu, Nov 18, 2021 at 01:38:14AM +1100, Reuben ua Bríġ wrote: | > Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2021 01:30:25 +1100 | > From: Reuben ua Bríġ <u5644...@anu.edu.au> | > | > Does anyone know of any shell and utilities where, for example, if | > | > -rf | > | > is a file name, the rm utility will understand so, and not think it is | > a controlling flag (ugh! in-band signalling)? One where an array of | > strings can be past as a single argument? Etc? etc? | | correction: is a file name expanded from a pattern, ...
Fix your pattern. From "*" or "??f" to "./*" or "/path/to/??f". Also, look at $* versus $@ in the ksh manpage. First paragraph of http://man.openbsd.org/ksh.1#Parameters Cheers, Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd -- >++++++++[<++++++++++>-]<+++++++.>+++[<------>-]<.>+++[<+ +++++++++++>-]<.>++[<------------>-]<+.--------------.[-] http://www.weirdnet.nl/