W dniu 15.11.2021 o 19:21, Steve Williams pisze:
I have an OpenBSD server (APC) that runs 7x24 hosting my email,
webserver, etc.
As the season changes to winter, I thought of setting up a camera to do
some timelapse photography out of the window pointing at the mountains.
I am kind of lost in the huge variety of options... IP connected
security camera, webcam... and whether to do the timelapse in the
camera, or to have that controlled on the server... (taking a photo
every x minutes and saving it on the OpenBSD server).
I was trying to avoid having the images stored on an SD card in the
camera as then physical access would be required to periodically extract
the images / movie.
If it's a USB camera, it would need to be supported by OpenBSD. But
there are IP cameras, some which require drivers, some don't. It's a
crazy complex world.
Does anyone have recommendations to accomplish this? It's just a hobby
so I don't want to spend a huge amount of money on it.
Steve Williams
You can take pictures with your webcam using ffmpeg, and you can run it
periodically with cron. You have to find supported webcam, and I have no
idea which one you should use.
If you don't mind spending a little bit more, Raspberry pi zero W +
official raspberry pi camera works great, and it comes with tool (it's
called raspistill IIRC) that takes pictures, and this way I think you'd
get much better quality, than with any webcam and ffmpeg (since ffmpeg
works by opening video stream, then taking one frame and saving it as
jpeg, whereas raspistill probably is somehow optimized for grabbing one
frame in higher resolution, without compression)
If you want to go with IP camera, most don't require any special
drivers, and you can connect to them with just VLC or ffmpeg (using
RTSP, which most of them support):
But at this point raspberry pi is more open source and there's good
chance that you can use it for something else, when you are done with
your timelapse.
Kind regards,
Łukasz Moskała