Hi Jan,

Jan Stary wrote on Fri, Nov 05, 2021 at 01:24:19PM +0100:

> This is current/amd64 on a PC.
> It seems that if MANPATH is set (to something nonempty),
> the settings in /etc/man.conf get ignored:
>       $ cat /etc/man.conf
>       output paper a4
>       $ man -Tps true | grep PageSize 
>       %%BeginFeature: *PageSize Letter
>       <</PageSize [612 790]>>setpagedevice
>       $ env | grep MAN
>       MANPATH=/home/hans/man:/usr/local/man:/usr/share/man:/usr/X11R6/man
>       $ export MANPATH=
>       $ man -Tps true | grep Size 
>       %%BeginFeature: *PageSize A4
>       <</PageSize [595 841]>>setpagedevice

Thanks for reporting.

This seemed like a trivial bug to me, so i fixed it right away in both
OpenBSD and bsd.lv, see the commit appended below.

It turned out to be less trivial than i thought, i ended up completely
rewriting the manconf_parse() function.  Yes, i am aware that other bug
reports against mandoc are still pending, and i'm a bit behind, you just
got lucky that this one *seemed* simple at first...  "That is probably
easy to do with a three-line diff..."


Log Message:
Make sure that the configuration file is always read, even when
running with the -M option or with a MANPATH environment variable
that has neither a leading or trailing ":" nor any "::".  If -M or
MANPATH override the configuration file rather than adding to it,
just ignore any "manpath" directives while processing the configuration

This fixes a bug reported by Jan Stary <hans at stare dot cz>
on misc@.

Modified Files:

Revision Data
Index: manpath.c
RCS file: /home/cvs/mandoc/mandoc/manpath.c,v
retrieving revision 1.43
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -Lmanpath.c -Lmanpath.c -u -p -r1.43 -r1.44
--- manpath.c
+++ manpath.c
@@ -31,63 +31,51 @@
 #include "mandoc.h"
 #include "manconf.h"
-static void     manconf_file(struct manconf *, const char *);
+static void     manconf_file(struct manconf *, const char *, int);
 static void     manpath_add(struct manpaths *, const char *, char);
 static void     manpath_parseline(struct manpaths *, char *, char);
-manconf_parse(struct manconf *conf, const char *file,
-               char *defp, char *auxp)
+manconf_parse(struct manconf *conf, const char *file, char *pend, char *pbeg)
-       char            *insert;
+       int use_path_from_file = 1;
        /* Always prepend -m. */
-       manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, auxp, 'm');
+       manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, pbeg, 'm');
-       /* If -M is given, it overrides everything else. */
-       if (NULL != defp) {
-               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, defp, 'M');
-               return;
-       }
-       /* MANPATH and man.conf(5) cooperate. */
-       defp = getenv("MANPATH");
-       if (NULL == file)
-               file = MAN_CONF_FILE;
-       /* No MANPATH; use man.conf(5) only. */
-       if (NULL == defp || '\0' == defp[0]) {
-               manconf_file(conf, file);
-               return;
-       }
-       /* Prepend man.conf(5) to MANPATH. */
-       if (':' == defp[0]) {
-               manconf_file(conf, file);
-               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, defp, '\0');
-               return;
+       if (pend != NULL && *pend != '\0') {
+               /* If -M is given, it overrides everything else. */
+               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, pend, 'M');
+               use_path_from_file = 0;
+               pbeg = pend = NULL;
+       } else if ((pbeg = getenv("MANPATH")) == NULL || *pbeg == '\0') {
+               /* No MANPATH; use man.conf(5) only. */
+               pbeg = pend = NULL;
+       } else if (*pbeg == ':') {
+               /* Prepend man.conf(5) to MANPATH. */
+               pend = pbeg + 1;
+               pbeg = NULL;
+       } else if ((pend = strstr(pbeg, "::")) != NULL) {
+               /* Insert man.conf(5) into MANPATH. */
+               *pend = '\0';
+               pend += 2;
+       } else if (pbeg[strlen(pbeg) - 1] == ':') {
+               /* Append man.conf(5) to MANPATH. */
+               pend = NULL;
+       } else {
+               /* MANPATH overrides man.conf(5) completely. */
+               use_path_from_file = 0;
+               pend = NULL;
-       /* Append man.conf(5) to MANPATH. */
-       if (':' == defp[strlen(defp) - 1]) {
-               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, defp, '\0');
-               manconf_file(conf, file);
-               return;
-       }
+       manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, pbeg, '\0');
-       /* Insert man.conf(5) into MANPATH. */
-       insert = strstr(defp, "::");
-       if (NULL != insert) {
-               *insert++ = '\0';
-               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, defp, '\0');
-               manconf_file(conf, file);
-               manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, insert + 1, '\0');
-               return;
-       }
+       if (file == NULL)
+               file = MAN_CONF_FILE;
+       manconf_file(conf, file, use_path_from_file);
-       /* MANPATH overrides man.conf(5) completely. */
-       manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, defp, '\0');
+       manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, pend, '\0');
@@ -161,7 +149,7 @@ manconf_free(struct manconf *conf)
 static void
-manconf_file(struct manconf *conf, const char *file)
+manconf_file(struct manconf *conf, const char *file, int use_path_from_file)
        const char *const toks[] = { "manpath", "output" };
        char manpath_default[] = MANPATH_DEFAULT;
@@ -201,7 +189,8 @@ manconf_file(struct manconf *conf, const
                switch (tok) {
                case 0:  /* manpath */
-                       manpath_add(&conf->manpath, cp, '\0');
+                       if (use_path_from_file)
+                               manpath_add(&conf->manpath, cp, '\0');
                        *manpath_default = '\0';
                case 1:  /* output */
@@ -215,7 +204,7 @@ manconf_file(struct manconf *conf, const
-       if (*manpath_default != '\0')
+       if (use_path_from_file && *manpath_default != '\0')
                manpath_parseline(&conf->manpath, manpath_default, '\0');

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