On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 06:18:12PM +0200, Mischa wrote:

> Hi All,
> Thank you all very much for OpenBSD 7.0!
> All upgrades went as smooth as always.
> However when I upgraded my DNS VMs, NSD keeps exiting with status 11.
> Unfortunately even in debug mode with -V4-9 it only gives me the below
> output.
> [2021-10-15 18:05:10.995] nsd[32203]: warning: server 70341 died
> unexpectedly with status 11, restarting
> [2021-10-15 18:05:11.246] nsd[32203]: warning: server 96047 died
> unexpectedly with status 11, restarting
> etc.. etc..
> With ktrace I was able to, hopefully, capture something useful.
>  36104 nsd      RET   write 1
>  36104 nsd      CALL  socketpair(AF_UNIX,0x1<SOCK_STREAM>,0,0x7f7ffffd6a48)
>  36104 nsd      STRU  int [2] { 16, 17 }
>  36104 nsd      RET   socketpair 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  fork()
>  36104 nsd      RET   fork 24892/0x613c
>  36104 nsd      CALL  close(17)
>  36104 nsd      RET   close 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  fcntl(16,F_SETFL,0x4<O_NONBLOCK>)
>  36104 nsd      RET   fcntl 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  wait4(WAIT_ANY,0x7f7ffffd74d8,0x1<WNOHANG>,0)
>  36104 nsd      RET   wait4 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  ppoll(0xb27e4857cb0,2,0x7f7ffffd6a30,0)
>  36104 nsd      STRU  struct timespec { 60 }
>  36104 nsd      STRU  struct pollfd [2] { fd=16, events=0x1<POLLIN>,
> revents=0<> } { fd=15, events=0x1<POLLIN>, revents=0<> }
>  36104 nsd      PSIG  SIGCHLD caught handler=0xb27e47fa340 mask=0<>
>  36104 nsd      RET   ppoll -1 errno 4 Interrupted system call
>  36104 nsd      CALL  sigreturn(0x7f7ffffd6510)
>  36104 nsd      RET   sigreturn JUSTRETURN
>  36104 nsd      CALL  wait4(WAIT_ANY,0x7f7ffffd74d8,0x1<WNOHANG>,0)
>  36104 nsd      RET   wait4 24892/0x613c
>  36104 nsd      CALL  close(16)
>  36104 nsd      RET   close 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  getpid()
>  36104 nsd      RET   getpid 36104/0x8d08
>  36104 nsd      CALL  sendsyslog(0x7f7ffffd4110,73,0<>)
>  36104 nsd      GIO   fd -1 wrote 73 bytes
>        "<28>nsd[36104]: server 24892 died unexpectedly with status 11,
> restarting"
>  36104 nsd      RET   sendsyslog 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  gettimeofday(0x7f7ffffd6748,0)
>  36104 nsd      STRU  struct timeval { 1634313545<"Oct 15 17:59:05
> 2021">.305661 }
>  36104 nsd      RET   gettimeofday 0
>  36104 nsd      CALL  getpid()
>  36104 nsd      RET   getpid 36104/0x8d08
>  36104 nsd      CALL  write(2,0x7f7ffffd5e20,0x68)
>  36104 nsd      GIO   fd 2 wrote 104 bytes
>        "[2021-10-15 17:59:05.305] nsd[36104]: warning: server 24892 died
> unexpectedly with status 11, restarting"
>  36104 nsd      RET   write 104/0x68
>  36104 nsd      CALL  write(2,0xb2aa1098927,0x1)
>  36104 nsd      GIO   fd 2 wrote 1 bytes
> If someone has any ideas that would be great.
> Mischa

The actual problem (SIGSEGV) happens in the child processes: ktrace the
children as well: ktrace -di ...


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