On Fri, Oct 15, 2021 at 10:25:17AM -0000, Rubén Llorente wrote: > Hi there! > > I am wondering how does people around here keep local branches of the ports > tree for personal use. > > The reason I am asking is because I keep some patched ports which are suited > to solve my problems, but not suited (or useful) for submission to the > official ports tree. Ideally I would upgrade my personal ports tree alongisde > the official one. > > I suppose I could cvs import every -RELEASE of the ports into my own cvs > repository, but ideally I would rather have something more automated. > Besides, I am curious as to how people is doing it.
You can use the conversion of the CVS ports repository to Git and manage your local branches in a private repository clone. Conversion from CVS to Git is already automated so you don't have to take care of this yourself. The repository you need is published on github: https://github.com/openbsd/ports.git Two tools from ports can work on this repository, devel/git and devel/got. If you already like Git, then use it. If you don't enjoy using Git, give Got a try: pkg_add got man got (read the EXAMPLES section first if you don't know where to start) Got doesn't support HTTP yet. You can add an SSH key to your github profile and then clone the repository over SSH instead: got clone ssh://g...@github.com/openbsd/ports.git