On Mon, 6 Mar 2006, poncenby smythe wrote:

Does anyone else run a box similar to this?

Yes, I have pretty much 3 of those running 24/7.

$ dmesg | grep cpu
cpu0: VIA Samuel 2 ("CentaurHauls" 686-class) 533 MHz
cpu0 at mainbus0

My temp sensors are different though :

$ sysctl hw.sensors
hw.sensors.0=viaenv0, TSENS1, temp, 42.10 degC / 107.78 degF
hw.sensors.1=viaenv0, TSENS2, temp, 43.92 degC / 111.06 degF
hw.sensors.2=viaenv0, TSENS3, temp, 25.77 degC / 78.39 degF
hw.sensors.3=viaenv0, FAN1, fanrpm, 0 RPM
hw.sensors.4=viaenv0, FAN2, fanrpm, 0 RPM
hw.sensors.5=viaenv0, VSENS1, volts_dc, 1.22 V
hw.sensors.6=viaenv0, VSENS2, volts_dc, 2.52 V
hw.sensors.7=viaenv0, Vcore, volts_dc, 3.28 V
hw.sensors.8=viaenv0, VSENS3, volts_dc, 4.98 V
hw.sensors.9=viaenv0, VSENS4, volts_dc, 11.89 V

(I set up an alarm with sensord if temp >= 50 degC which only happens when compiling stuffs)

Does anyone know of any big advantages of Soekris boxes rather than EPIA?

I don't know Soekris, but at a first glance I would say I don't...

I've got a feeling the little box will just give up or even worse blow up.

I can't help you with that. From what I've seen, those boxes are very reliable here (they all have ani internal hard drive and are fanless and runing 24/7).


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