Please try first to remove „min“. „Min“ makes it a „real-time service curve“ in 
HFSC terminology, which may react … „unexpectedly“ when exceeded. And you do 
not want „real-time“ properties for file transfer anyways.

> Am 24.07.2021 um 00:21 schrieb Scott Lewandowski <>:
> I am attempting to prioritize traffic from a particular host. I have the 
> following queue definitions, with this match rule:
> queue rootq on $ext_if bandwidth 13M max 13M
> queue file1_bak parent rootq bandwidth 10M min 8M qlimit 1024
> queue std parent rootq bandwidth 3M min 2M default qlimit 1024
> match from set queue file1_bak
> However, even when the host at .176 has a steady stream of data to output, it 
> is not being prioritized for bandwidth utilization. For example:
> fw0# pfctl -v -sq 
> queue rootq on vmx0 bandwidth 13M, max 13M
>  [ pkts:          0  bytes:          0  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
>  [ qlength:   0/ 50 ]
> queue file1_bak parent rootq bandwidth 10M, min 8M qlimit 1024
>  [ pkts:       1279  bytes:    1825459  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
>  [ qlength:   0/1024 ]
> queue std parent rootq bandwidth 3M, min 2M default qlimit 1024
>  [ pkts:       8994  bytes:   12333179  dropped pkts:      0 bytes:      0 ]
>  [ qlength:   2/1024 ]
> Even after an extended period of execution, I see similar results. The 
> supposedly prioritized host sees upload speeds of 17-200KB/s, whereas other 
> hosts see 800KB/s or more.
> I do not understand the behavior I am seeing. Why are other hosts being 
> allocated so much bandwidth for uploads? 
> Also of interest is that when I added the queues, a host that reliably used 
> to have consistent 27MB/s downloads now sees variable speeds between 13 and 
> 24MB/s, even when there is no other (meaningful) network activity. I'm not 
> sure if this is related to the upload speed issue I am seeing. I realize 
> there is outbound control traffic from the downloading host, but I can't 
> imagine that should be impacted by the queues when there is no other 
> meaningful network traffic. To try to address the download issue, I've 
> experimented with adding a control traffic queue and assigning traffic to 
> (std, ctrl), but that hasn't helped (in fact, it's hurt).
> Based on some past threads I've read on related issues, I've tried adding 
> "max" specifications to each queue, but that hasn't helped, and it doesn't 
> seem it should be necessary based on the docs. Oddly, if I specify a max of 
> 13 on each rule -- with no suffix, which I accidentally did -- I seem to get 
> the desired behavior, but in that case pf obviously isn't enforcing the max 
> correctly, and I also see download speeds of less than 1KB/s. Adding the 
> intended suffix gives the same observable behavior as I saw without the max 
> specifier at all. 
> I am running up-to-date 6.9 on ESX 6.7 with vmxnet3 vNICs. The VM has 2 vCPUs 
> and 1G and is showing no sign of resource constraints.
> Any help or thoughts would be appreciated!

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