> On Jul 8, 2021, at 8:05 AM, Peter J. Philipp <p...@delphinusdns.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 07, 2021 at 11:57:50PM +0300, Ville Valkonen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> not sure if related but my Linux box (also in Hetzner) also started to have
>> flaky connection lately.
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Ville
> I opened a ticket with Hetzner last week thinking it was an in-band DoS. They
> assured me, they are not seeing this.
> My VPS is in Falkenstein for what it's worth. Because the problems started
> occuring as I was upgrading my Telekom.de link I thought it was related to
> that
> until I did tcpdumps. I mentioned it to the telekom.de chat help line
> despite.
> On your Linux box have you done any debugging as to why it became flaky?
> Some Linux equivalents that I know: ktrace/strace, tcpdump is the same. Are
> you seeing these through an IPSEC tunnel or in plain Internetworking?
> Also are you using the Intel VPS's or the AMD Epyc VPS's? I think it may be
> important to know if anything like spectre is able to write variables back to
> the cloud instance. In that case we're f*cked and only Hetzner can help with
> new hardware.
> Best Regards,
> -peter
Are you changing the default TCPKeepAlive setting? It defaults to yes. It
exists as options in sshd_ and ssh_config. Additionally, ClientAliveInterval
and ServerAliveInterval might be handy. A sysctl also exists to turn TCP keep
alive on for all connections by default.
Not sure it’ll help. Does your download crawl to a halt, then after a period
of time, you get the FIN?
(Note: I don’t have any Hetzner hosts and I’m just guessing based on my
experience with Azure)