Thanks a lot for the hint. Unfortunately I’m still not able to see why sendto 
failed with 13 Permission denied. The AF_INET address masked is the correct one 
of my server, not a broadcast address. A sendto before this one to the same 
address just worked.

  3058 myapp  CALL  
  3058 myapp  STRU  struct sockaddr { AF_INET, }
  3058 myapp  RET   sendto -1 errno 13 Permission denied
  3058 myapp  CALL  close(5)
  3058 myapp  RET   close 0

The dump file is like 600MB. I can provide more trace log if it is necessary 
for locating the root cause.


> On Jun 15, 2021, at 8:50 PM, Theo de Raadt <> wrote:
> use ktrace
> Siegfried Levin <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have a application run by a normal user communicating with the server with 
>> UDP. It crashes very occasionally, like once per week, due to EACCES when 
>> sending a UDP packet. According to the manpage 
>> (, the reason might be 
>> either being blocked by PF or sending to a broadcast address. I can confirm 
>> the packet was not sent to a broadcast address. However, I cannot figure out 
>> what rule could block the connection occasionally either. The application 
>> can be brought back online without changing any configuration. Does anyone 
>> know what might fix this? I can also rewrite the code to make it ignore the 
>> error and keep trying but that might not be a proper solution. Running it as 
>> root might not be a good idea, too.
>> It happens since OpenBSD 6.8. Now I’m running it on 6.9. The application is 
>> written in Rust.
>> Siegfried

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