> On 2021-06-13, ropers wrote:
>> Sorry to disturb, but does anyone know how to contact whoever is
>> responsible for ports.su?
>> An email address would be great, though I'm not sure if it's okay to
>> post that on-list.  Perhaps it's okay to send that off-list?
>> Thank you,
>> Ian

edgar wrote:
> edgar@edgar-ThinkPad-T420:~$ whois ports.su
> ...
> e-mail:        [REDACTED]

Sorry, I should have said, I did check whois, and I did try that
address and got an MTA reply back that that mailbox is full (so prolly

On 13/06/2021, Stuart Henderson wrote:
> It's Constantine Murenin, I'm not sure of working contact methods.
> The only one of these 'ports browser' websites which is expected to
> actually handle the ports tree correctly is https://openports.pl/
> which runs a copy of ports-readmes-dancer (which is also in ports
> if you'd like to run your own copy locally). Others are either
> just completed outdated themselves (ports.su) or we've seen them
> not parse things properly from the ports tree (openports.se).

Thanks for that.  My noticing that ports.su (hitherto my go-to) was
actually pretty outdated was precisely the reason why I wanted to
contact the site maintainer.
If nobody else has working contact details for Constantine, then I'll
probably leave it.

I didn't actually know about openports.pl, or dancer.  Thank you very much. :)

(It bothers me a tiny amount that these sites call themselves ports
readmes, which IMHO overloads the term "readme".  OTOH, "Ports Readme"
!= README, so eh...)

Thanks and regards,

(Ian Ropers)

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