I'm getting an odd error trying to extract these two tarballs from
6.9-RELEASE on a clean install. I'm probably missing something obvious
but don't know what. Starting with
https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq5.html, I log in on the console, edit my
non-root user, and create the directory structure:
# user mod -G wsrc czakelj
# cd /usr
# mkdir -p xenocara ports
# chgrp wsrc xenocara ports
# chmod 775 xenocara ports
So far, so good. Next I go to https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html, log
in non-root via SSH, and begin extracting:
arcbuild$ cd /usr/src
arcbuild$ tar xzf /home/czakelj/src.tar.gz
arcbuild$ tar xzf /home/czakelj/sys.tar.gz
arcbuild$ cd /usr
arcbuild$ tar xzf /home/czakelj/ports.tar.gz
tar: Access/modification time set failed on: ports: Operation not permitted
I also get that same error attempting to extract xenocara.tar.gz.
Ideas/clues (other than "cheating" and using syspatch since I'm trying
to learn stuff after all)? Thanks!