Hi all,
LinuxForum [LF06] is now over and as usual the number of visitors have
surpassed any of the previous years. Two years ago it was moved from
Symbion Science Park to The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of
Architecture simply because the number of exhibitors, speakers and
guests on both the "business day" (friday) and "technical day"
(saturday) had expanded way beyond the Symbion Science Pard facilities.
First LF was held nine years ago.
Again this year Wim showed up (frankly it would be empty without him)
with all the lovely OpenBSD (and Soekris) merchandise.
The next month or so my boys, my wife and me will starve a little, but
we will undeniably be the best dressed family on the block.
Wim also made a last minute sensational save for Felix Kronlage and held
the 'Mobility with OpenBSD' talk. Wim is very meticulous and has a very
plesant way of communicating / presenting the material.
Another OpenBSD speaker that enriched LF06 with his presence, was
Henning Brauer. Henning talked about OpenBGPD and with his 60+ pages
long NANOG36 slideshow and only 50 minutes to his disposal, Henning made
a spectacular 24fps-alike briliant talk about the topic. He even
finished on time AND had time to answer question and of course praise
the Cisco routers a little :)
I use OpenBGPD (datacenter) and was pleased to meet Henning in person.
In fact I was proud to be chairman for both Wim and Henning.
Thank you both.